Hero’s Welcome (2015)

World Premiere: 8 September 2015
Venue: Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough
New York Premiere: 26 May 2016
Venue: 59E59 Theaters
Play Number: 79
Published: Samuel French
Other Media: No
Short Synopsis: A war hero returns to the town he fled 17 years ago which threatens to stir up old rivalries and resentments.
Amateur: Apply to Concord Theatricals.
Professional: Apply to Casarotto Ramsay.
Hero's Welcome Quote
"No need to be upset or frightened of anything or anyone. I'm here for you, darling. Don't forget, I'm a hero, aren't I? Your very own private hero, eh?"
Hero's Welcome
All research and original material in Hero's Welcome section of Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website is by Simon Murgatroyd M.A. and copyright of Haydonning Ltd. All other material is copyright of the named copyright holder. Please do not reproduce any material without permission of the copyright holder. For enquiries, email: archive@alanayckbourn.net